04 Desember 2020

Where will my help come from?

Hierdie oordenking is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar


Where will my help come from?


Matt. 16 v 13 - 16 - HCSB

I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Where do you go for help when life gets too difficult?

 The pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem were afraid of the dangers along the way. This Psalm is a prayer that expresses the firm hope and confidence that God will protect them day and night.

 They look to heaven for help in their distress and then declare with firm certainty: "My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

 The pilgrims place their hope in the LORD. The Name "LORD" is a personal name of God which means "I AM" as we hear in Ex. 3 v 14: God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.”

 The Name of God "I AM" (YHWH in Hebrew, pronounced as Yaweh) means:

1.  He is the eternal God who has always existed.
He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.

2.  He is a God of relationships.
This Name of God is used only in the Bible when it comes to God's personal relationship with his people.

3.  He is always with us.
God is personally involved in people's lives. He is not a distant God.

4.  He is the unchanging God who is always the same.

5.  He is completely holy and exalted above mankind.

6.  He is faithful to his eternal covenant.
When God made His covenant (I will be a God to you and you and your descendants must be my people) with Abraham, He introduced Himself as Yahweh and with that He promised that He would always be faithful to His promises.

7.  He is full of mystery that can never be known too fully.
We can never fully know God, but what we need to know about Him, He reveals to us through His Spirit in His Word. Although we can never fully know Him, we can grow in our relationship with Him.

 In the New Testament we hear even further what "I AM" means. Jesus introduces Himself as "I AM".

The seven "I AM" statements of Jesus:

1.  I am the bread of life. Joh. 6 v 35
Just as bread nourishes your body, Jesus is the Bread that nourishes you spiritually.

2.  I am the light of the world. Joh. 8 v 12
Jesus is the Light that dispels the darkness of sin. He brings hope and eternal life to everyone who believes in Him.

3.  I am the door to the sheep. Joh. 10 v 7
Jesus is the only way to God.

4.  I am the good shepherd. Joh. 10 v 11
Jesus is the shepherd of his sheep, his property. He takes care of his sheep and makes sure they get everything they need. He bears the interests of His flock at heart and He bears the full responsibility for them. He lays down his life for his sheep. Christ sacrificed his life so that everyone who believes in him can live.

5.  I am the resurrection and the life. Joh. 11 v 25
Jesus broke the power of death with his resurrection. In other words, He is also able to give life to every sinner from the death of their sin.

6.  I am the way, the truth, and the life. Joh. 14 v 6
Jesus is the way to true eternal life. Real life can only be found in Jesus.

7.  I am the true vine. Joh. 15 v 1
We are the shoots that sprout from this vine and are pruned so that we can bear fruit. Through the hardships in life where you are pruned by the sharp blade of the pruning shears, He also lets what hurts work together for good in your life.

 Where do you go for help when life gets too difficult? Seek your help from "I AM" who loves you infinitely.

 He sent His Son (the true God who became a man for your sake) so that you can live because He loves you so much 


03 Desember 2020

Maar jy, wie, sê jy, is Jesus?

 This devotion is also available in English

Maar jy, wie, sê jy, is Jesus?

Mat. 16 v 13 - 16

Toe Jesus in die streke van Sesarea-Filippi kom, het Hy vir sy dissipels gevra: “Wie, sê die mense, is die Seun van die mens?” Hulle antwoord: “Party sê Johannes die Doper, party Elia, party Jeremia of een van die profete.” “Maar julle,” het Hy gevra, “wie, sê julle, is Ek?” Simon Petrus het geantwoord: “U is die Christus, die Seun van die lewende God.”

 Kersfees is amper hier en dit beteken verskillende dinge vir verskillende mense. Christene herdenk met Kersfees die geboorte van Jesus Christus. Daarom is dit goed dat ons net weer so 'n bietjie besin wie Jesus is.

 Jesus het vir sy dissipels (sy volgelinge) gevra wie die mense sê wie Hy is. Uit hul antwoord blyk dit dat die mense Hom beskou as een van die groot profete wat opgestaan het. Dan vra Jesus baie persoonlik: “Maar julle, wie, sê julle, is Ek?”

 Wat sou jou antwoord wees as Jesus vir jou hierdie vraag sou vra? Glo jy dat Jesus die Seun van God is wat Hy gestuur het om jou van jou sondes te verlos? Is jy 'n volgeling van Jesus? Is jy bereid om jouself ten volle aan Hom oor te gee? Is jy bereid om jou kruis op te neem en Hom te volg, selfs al sou dit beteken dat jy daarvoor moet sterf?

 Is jy bereid om die prys te betaal om 'n volgeling van Jesus Christus te wees? Is jy bereid om in alles wat jy doen aan Hom gehoorsaam te wees?

 Om 'n volgeling van Jesus te wees beteken dat God die middelpunt van jou lewe moet wees. Alles wat jy doen of dink moet daarop gefokus wees om aan God gehoorsaam te wees. Jou hele lewe moet op jou verhouding met God gefokus wees. Dit is wat jou lewe betekenis gee, want om op God gefokus te wees, beteken nie dat jy jou lewensvreugde moet opgee en gaan uit mis op dit wat lekker is in die lewe nie. 

 Inteendeel, om op God gefokus te wees beteken juis dat jy begin deel in die ware vreugde van die lewe in die plek van die valse vreugde wat die wêreld bied.

Maar jy, wie, sê jy, is Jesus?


But you, who do you say that Jesus is?

Hierdie oordenking is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar

But you, who do you say that Jesus is?

 Matt. 16 v 13 - 16 - HCSB

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But you,” He asked them, “who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!”

 Christmas is almost here and it means different things to different people. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. That's why it's good that we're reflect a little on who Jesus is.

 Jesus asked His disciples (His followers) who the people say He is. From their answer it appears that the people regarded Him as one of the great prophets who rose. Then Jesus asks very personally: "But you, who do you say that Jesus is?"

 What would be your answer if Jesus asked you this question? Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God whom He sent to save you from your sins? Are you a follower of Jesus? Are you willing to surrender yourself completely to Him? Are you willing to take up your cross and follow Him, even if it means dying for it?

 Are you willing to pay the price to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Are you willing to obey Him in everything you do?

 Being a follower of Jesus means that God must be the center of your life. Everything you do or think should be focused on obeying God. Your whole life should be focused on your relationship with God. This is what gives your life meaning, because being focused on God does not mean that you have to give up your joy of life and miss out on enjoying what is good in life.

 On the contrary, being focused on God means that you begin to share in the true joy of life instead of the false joy that the world offers.

But you, who do you say that Jesus is?


02 Desember 2020

Hemelse Troos

 This meditation is also available in English

Hemelse Troos

Jes. 40 v 1 & 2 – 2020 Vertaling

“Troos, troos my volk!” sê julle God. Praat mooi met Jerusalem! Roep haar toe dat haar gedwonge arbeid voltooi is, dat haar skuld afbetaal is! Ja, sy het uit die hand van die Here 'n dubbele straf ontvang vir al haar sondes.”

 Elke mens het troos nodig in die lewe. Troos, met die stille tevredenheid en rus wat dit bring, is die belangrikste ding in die lewe en sterwe van elke mens.

 Die vraag: “Wat is jou enigste troos in lewe en in sterwe?” is 'n baie persoonlike vraag wat lastig kan wees. Dit is moeilik om na binne te kyk. Dit is maklik om ander mense se probleme raak te sien, maar nie so maklik om na myself te kyk nie.

 Ware troos kan net by God gevind word, want die grootste rede vir jou ongeluk is die hartseer van sonde wat tussen jou en God staan.

 Die inhoud van die troos wat net van God af kom behels in die eerste plek dat jy van die tirannie van jou eie self verlos moet word. Dit wil sê dat ek nie aan myself nie, maar aan my getroue Verlosser Jesus Christus behoort.

 Dit beteken dat ek die eiendom van God met liggaam en siel, in lewe en sterwe is, want Jesus het my met sy bloed gekoop. Hy het die volle losprys met sy lewe betaal om my van die mag van die bose te verlos. 

 Die troos wat ek hierin vind is die wete dat die Vader my onder sy heel besondere neem. Hy bewaar my op so 'n manier dat alles wat met my gebeur tot my eie beswil dien.

 Hierdie troos behels verder dat Heilige Gees op 'n besondere wyse met my besig is. Hy verseker my deur die woord en sakramente van die ewige lewe en Hy verander my sodat ek vir God wil lewe. Hy vervang die selfsug, vyandskap, haat, naywer en woede in my lewe met liefde, vreugde, vrede, geduld, vriendelikheid, goedhartigheid, getrouheid, nederigheid en selfbeheersing.

Hoe vind ek hierdie hemelse Troos?

Die weg na hierdie troos is die weg van kennis. Dit begin nie by wat ek moet doen nie, maar by wat ek moet weet. En selfs in dit is ek nie op my eie nie. Die Heilige Gees bring my tot dit wat ek moet weet.

Daar is drie dinge wat ek moet weet:

    i.      Hoe groot my sonde en ellende is.

               Net soos die verlore seun moet ek tot inkeer kom.

   ii. Hoe ek van al my sonde en ellende verlos word.

              Ek moet die evangelie glo dat Jesus Christus in my plek die straf
    van die dood gedra het daar op Golgota aan die kruis en dat Hy het
    die dood oorwin het sodat ek kan lewe.

 iii. Hoe ek God vir so 'n verlossing dankbaar moet wees.

              Ek moet my deur die Gees laat lei in 'n lewe wat deur liefde vir my
    naaste en God gekenmerk word.

 Wat is jou enigste troos in lewe en in sterwe?

 My enigste troos in lewe en in sterwe is dat ek aan Jesus Christus behoort.

 Vind jou troos by ons Here. Gee ag op Jesus se uitnodiging
(Mat. 11 v 28 – 30):

“Kom na My toe, almal wat uitgeput en oorlaai is, en Ek sal julle rus gee. Neem my juk op julle en leer van My, want Ek is sagmoedig en nederig van hart, en julle sal rus kry vir julle gemoed. My juk is sag en my las is lig.”


Heavenly comfort

 Hierdie oordenking is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar

Heavenly comfort

Isaiah 40 v 1 & 2 - HCSB

“Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God. “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and announce to her that her time of forced labor is over, her iniquity has been pardoned, and she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.”

 Every human being needs comfort in life. Comfort, with the quiet satisfaction and rest it brings, is the most important thing in the life and death of every human being.

 The question: "What is your only comfort in life and in death?" is a very personal question that can be uncomfortable. It's hard to look inside yourself. It's easy to spot other people's problems, but not so easy to look at yourself.

 True comfort can only be found in God, because the greatest reason for your unhappiness is the sadness that the sin that stands between you and God, causes.

 The content of the comfort that comes only from God involves in the first place that you must be delivered from the tyranny of your own self. That is, I do not belong to myself, but to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

 It means that I am the property of God with body and soul, in life and death, because Jesus bought me with his blood. He paid the full ransom with his life to deliver me from the power of evil.

 The comfort I find in this is the knowledge that the Father takes me under his very special care. He preserves me in such a way that everything that happens to me serves my own good.

 This comfort further involves the Holy Spirit dealing with me in a special way. He assures me through the word and sacraments of eternal life and He changes me so that I want to live for God. He replaces the selfishness, enmity, hatred, envy, and anger in my life with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control.

How do I find this heavenly Comfort?

 The way to this comfort is the way of knowledge. It does not start with what I have to do, but with what I need to know. And even in that, I'm not on my own. The Holy Spirit brings me to what I need to know.

There are three things I need to know:

    i.    How great is my sin and misery.

     Like the prodigal son, I must repent.

ii.  How I am delivered from all my sin and misery.

      I must believe the gospel that Jesus Christ bore the death penalty in my place
      there on Calvary on the cross and that He overcame 
death so that I might live.

 iii.   How I should be thankful to God for such a salvation.

    I must let myself be led by the Spirit in a life characterized by love 
    for my neighbor and God.

What is your only comfort in life and in death?

My only comfort in life and in death is that I belong to Jesus Christ.

 Find your comfort with our Lord. Heed Jesus' invitation 
(Matt. 11 v. 28 - 30):

“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


30 November 2020

Gebed 12 - Onse Vader


'n Reeks oordenkings oor gebed

These medetations are also available in English

Die 1ste oordenking: Gebed 01 - Hoekom moet 'n gelowige bid

Die vorige oordenking: Gebed 11 - Aan U behoort die koninkryk en diekrag en die heerlikheid tot in ewigheid – Amen

Hierdie is die laaste oordenking oor die reeks oor gebed

Gebed 12

Onse Vader


Onse Vader wat in die hemel is.

U is deur Christus ons Vader en daarom kom ons in geloofsvertroue na U toe met die wete dat U ons gebed verhoor en dat U in U almag in alles vir ons sal sorg wat ons vir liggaam en siel nodig het.


Laat u Naam geheilig word.

Help ons om U reg te ken sodat ons U kan heilig, roem en prys in al u werke waarin u almag, wysheid, goedheid, geregtigheid, barmhartigheid en waarheid so skitter.

Gee verder dat ons, ons hele lewe, gedagtes, woorde en werke daarop sal rig dat u Naam nie om ons ontwil gelaster word nie, maar geëer en geprys word.


Laat u koninkryk kom. 

Regeer ons so deur u Woord en Gees dat ons, ons hoe langer hoe meer aan U sal onderwerp.  Bewaar u kerk en laat dit groei.  Vernietig die werke van die duiwel, elke mag wat teen U opstaan, en alle kwaadwillige planne wat teen u heilige Woord bedink word, totdat die volkomenheid van u ryk kom, waarin U alles in almal sal wees.


Laat u wil geskied, soos in die hemel net so ook op die aarde. 

Gee dat ons en alle mense ons eie wil prysgee om aan u wil, wat alleen goed is, sonder enige teëpratery gehoorsaam sal wees, sodat elkeen sy amp en beroep net so gewillig en getrou kan beoefen en uitvoer soos die engele in die hemel.


Gee ons vandag ons daaglikse brood.

Versorg ons met alles wat vir die liggaam nodig is, sodat ons daardeur erken dat U die enigste Bron is van alles wat goed is en dat al ons sorge en arbeid en ook u gawes sonder u seën ons nie kan baat nie. Gee daarom dat ons, ons vertroue van alle skepsele aftrek, en op U alleen stel.


Vergeef ons, ons skulde, soos ons ook ons skuldenaars vergewe.  

Reken ons, arme sondaars, al ons misdade asook die boosheid wat ons nog aankleef, ter wille van die bloed van Christus, nie toe nie.  Ons bid dit van U omdat ons hierdie bewys van u genade in ons vind. Gee aan ons die ernstige voorneme om ons naaste van harte te vergewe.


En lei ons nie in versoeking nie, maar verlos ons van die Bose.

Ons is in onsself so swak dat ons nie een oomblik staande kan bly nie.  Daarby hou ons doodsvyande, die duiwel, die wêreld en ons eie sondige natuur, nie op om ons aan te val nie.  Wil U ons tog deur die krag van u Heilige Gees staande hou en versterk, sodat ons teen hulle sterk teenstand kan bied en in hierdie geestelik stryd nie beswyk nie, totdat ons eindelik die oorwinning volkome behaal.


Want aan U behoort die koninkryk en die krag en die heerlikheid tot in ewigheid.

Ons bid dit alles van U omdat U as ons Koning, wat mag oor alles het, ons alle goeie dinge wil en kan gee sodat ons nie vir onsself die roem toeëien nie, maar dat u heilige Naam ewig geprys sal word


Prayer 12 - Our Father


A series of meditations on prayer

Hier reeks oordenkings is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar

The 1st Medetation Prayer 01 - Why should a believer pray?

The Previous Medetation: Prayer 11 - For Yours is the kingdom and thepower and the glory forever – Amen

This is the last Meditationin this series on prayer

Prayer 12

Our Father

Our Father in heaven.

You are through Christ our Father and therefore we come to You in faith knowing that You will hear our prayer and that You in Your omnipotence will provide for us in everything we need for body and soul.


Your name be honored as holy.

Help us to know You right so that we can sanctify, praise and glorify You in all Your works in which Your omnipotence, wisdom, goodness, justice, mercy and truth shine forth.


Grant that we, in our whole life, thoughts, words and deeds will focus on the fact that your Name is not blasphemed for our sake, but is honored and praised.


Your kingdom come.

Rule us so by Your Word and Spirit so that we will submit to You more and more. Preserve your church and let it grow. Destroy the works of the devil, every power that rises up against You, and every malicious plan devised against Your holy Word, until the perfection of Your kingdom comes, in which You will be all in all.


Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Grant that we and all men may give up our own will to obey your will, which alone is good, without any contradiction, so that each may exercise and carry out his office and profession just as willingly and faithfully as the angels in heaven.


Give us today our daily bread.

Provide us with all that is necessary for the body, so that we thereby acknowledge that You are the only Source of all that is good and that all our worries and labors and also Your gifts can not benefit us without Your blessing. Grant, therefore, that we may diminish our confidence from all creatures, and place it on You alone.


Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Do not hold us, poor sinners, accountable for all our transgressions, and for the wickedness which we have committed, because of the blood of Christ. We pray this of You because we find this proof of Your grace in us. Give us the serious intention to forgive our neighbor wholeheartedly.


And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

We are so weak in ourselves that we cannot stand for one moment. In addition, our mortal enemies, the devil, the world, and our own sinful nature, do not stop attacking us. Keep us standing and strengthen us through the power of your Holy Spirit, so that we can offer strong opposition to them and not fail in this spiritual battle, until we finally achieve the victory completely.


For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

We pray all this of You, because You as our King, who has power over everything, wants to and can give us all good things so that we do not appropriate the glory for ourselves, but that Your holy Name will be praised forever
