21 Januarie 2021

Do not fear

Isaiah 43 v 1 - 4 HCSB

Now this is what the LORD says— the One who created you, Jacob, and the One who formed you, Israel — “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you. For I Yahweh your God, the Holy One of Israel, and your Savior, give Egypt as a ransom for you, Cush and Seba in your place. Because you are precious in My sight and honored, and I love you, I will give people in exchange for you and nations instead of your life.

 Hierdie dagstukkie is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar

Do not be afraid. It is a reassurance that runs like a golden thread through the Bible. When angels appear to people, their first words are usually, "Do not be afraid." Think of the angel Gabriel's appearance to Mary. Immediately after greeting her, he says: "Do not be afraid."

 The LORD tells us not to be afraid when the world seems to have turned upside down. Do not be afraid when Covid spreads like wildfire. Do not be afraid if you yourself are infected by Covid. Do not be afraid when the events around you furiously blows everything away like a hurricane.

 It is important that we take note that the LORD is not saying that He will take away the turmoil. What He does say is that when you have to go through the river with its raging waters or you have to go through the fire, that He is there for you. You are not alone.

 The LORD does not always take away the storms, but He gives us the assurance that when we have to go through the storm that He is by your side because you are precious to Him as His child. Even when you have to go through the valley of death, He will not leave you alone. There is nothing that can separate you from the love of Christ, not even death.

 However, the LORD only gives this promise to his children. Only those who believe in Jesus Christ as their only Savior and Redeemer are children of God. Are you a child of God? Believe in Jesus Christ. Confess your sin and acknowledge that you are lost as a result of it. Believe that Jesus saved you from it with his crucifixion and resurrection. Trust God and do not be afraid.

 Children of God, do not be afraid when the storms of life rage like a raging hurricane around you.


Moenie bang wees nie

Jes. 43 v 1 - 4

Luister, so sê die Here wat jou geskep het, Jakob, wat jou gevorm het, Israel: Moenie bang wees nie, Ek verlos jou, Ek het jou op jou naam geroep, jy is Myne. As jy deur water moet gaan, is Ek by jou, deur riviere, hulle sal jou nie wegspoel nie; as jy deur vuur moet gaan, sal dit jou nie skroei nie, die vlamme sal jou nie brand nie, want Ek is die Here jou God, die Heilige van Israel, jou Redder. Ek gee Egipte as losprys vir jou, Kus en Seba in jou plek. Omdat jy vir My kosbaar is, omdat Ek jou hoog ag en jou liefhet, gee Ek mense in jou plek, volke in ruil vir jou lewe.

 This devotional is also available in English

Moenie bang wees nie. Dit is 'n gerusstelling wat soos 'n goue draad deur die Bybel loop. Wanneer engele aan mense verskyn is hulle eerste woorde gewoonlik: “Moenie bang wees nie.” Dink maar aan die engel Gabriel se verskyning aan Maria. Direk nadat hy haar gegroet het, sê hy: “Moenie bang wees nie.”


Die HERE sê vir ons dat ons nie moet bang wees wanneer dit lyk of die wêreld op sy kop gedraai het nie. Moenie bang wees wanneer Covid soos 'n veldbrand versprei nie. Moenie bang wees as jyself deur Covid aangesteek word nie. Moenie bang wees wanneer die gebeure rondom jou soos 'n orkaan verwoed alles deurmekaar waai nie.


Dit is belangrik dat ons moet raaksien dat die HERE nie sê dat Hy die onstuimigheid gaan wegneem nie. Wat Hy wel sê is dat wanneer jy deur die rivier met sy bruisende waters moet gaan of jy deur die vuur moet gaan, dat Hy daar is vir jou. Jy is nie alleen nie.


Die HERE vat nie altyd die storms weg nie, maar Hy gee vir ons die versekering dat wanneer ons deur die storm moet gaan dat Hy aan jou sy is omdat jy as sy kind vir Hom kosbaar is. Selfs wanneer jy deur die vallei van die dood moet gaan sal Hy jou nie alleen laat nie. Daar is niks wat jou van die liefde van Christus kan skei nie, selfs nie eens die dood nie.


Die HERE gee hierdie belofte egter net aan sy kinders. Net diegene wat in Jesus Christus glo as hul enigste Verlosser en Saligmaker is kinders van God. Is jy 'n kind van God? Glo in Jesus Christus. Bely jou sonde en erken dat jy as gevolg daarvan verlore is. Glo dat Jesus jou daarvan verlos het met sy kruisiging en opstanding. Vertrou op God en moenie bang wees nie.


Kinders van God, moenie bang wees wanneer die lewensstorms soos 'n verwoede orkaan rondom jou woed nie.


20 Januarie 2021

Listen to and live according to the instructions of your Father in heaven

 Rev. 1 v 8 & 9 HCSB Read Rev. 1 v 8 - 19

Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction, and don’t reject your mother’s teaching, for they will be a garland of grace on your head and a gold chain around your neck.

 Hierdie dagstukkie is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar

Biblical proverbs reveal God's will just as the prophets do with divine pronouncements and just as the priest does by presenting God's law and his precepts to the people.

 Someone once said, “So if you want to learn wisdom about God's will, read a chapter from Proverbs every day.” There are 31 chapters, so one chapter for each day of the month.

 Proverbs teaches us in a very practical way, feet on the ground how God wants us to live. So in today's passage Proverbs 1 v 8 - 19 we learn that you need to think carefully about your life choices. The practical example used here is the choice to rob and kill. Do not be seduced by seductive talk, for it robs you of your conscience. Your health can suffer and you can even lose your life. This, of course, applies to any injustice committed in life. In the end, it only has detrimental consequences.

 Our sinful nature wants to make the above wrong choices. To make the right choice, you must seek the will of God. You can only do this when you believe in Jesus Christ as your only Savior and Redeemer so that you can be born again of the Holy Spirit.

 Be a child of the LORD. Confess that you are lost because of your sin and misery. Believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Redeemer. Listen to and live according to the instructions of your Father in heaven.


Luister na en leef volgens die voorskrifte van jou Vader in die hemel

 Spr. 1 v 8 & 9 lees Spr. 1 v 8 - 19

My seun, jy moet luister na die onderrig wat jou vader jou gee; moenie wat jou moeder jou leer, verontagsaam nie: dit sal jou lewe versier soos ’n krans jou kop en ’n kettinkie jou hals.

 This devotional is also available in English

Bybelspreuke maak God se wil bekend net soos die profete dit met Goddelike uitsprake doen en net soos die priester dit doen deur God se wet en sy voorskrifte aan die volk voor te hou.

 Iemand het op 'n keer gesê: “As jy dus wysheid oor God se wil, wil leer, lees elke dag 'n hoofstuk uit Spreuke.” Daar is 31 hoofstukke, dus 'n hoofstuk vir elke dag van die maand.

 Spreuke leer ons op 'n baie praktiese wyse, voete op grond oor hoe God wil hê dat ons moet lewe. So leer ons in vandag se gedeelte Spreuke 1 v 8 – 19 dat jy mooi moet besin oor jou jou lewenskeuses. Die praktiese voorbeeld wat hier gebruik word is die keuse om te roof en te moor. Moenie verlei word deur aanloklike praatjies om daaraan deel te neem nie, want dit beroof jou van jou gewete. Jou gesondheid en selfs jou lewe kan in die slag bly. Hierdie geld natuurlik vir enige onreg wat in die lewe gepleeg word. Dit het op die uiteinde net nadelige gevolge.

 Ons sondige natuur wil graag bogenoemde verkeerde keuses maak. Om die regte keuse te maak, moet jy soek na die wil van God. Jy kan dit alleen doen wanneer jy in Jesus Christus glo as jou enigste Verlosser en Saligmaker sodat jy deur die Heilige Gees weer gebore kan word.

 Wees 'n kind van die HERE. Bely dat jy verlore is weens jou sonde en elende. Glo dat Jesus Christus jou Verlosser en Saligmaker is. Luister na en leef volgens die voorskrifte van jou Vader in die hemel.


19 Januarie 2021

Wisdom begins with serving the Lord.

 Rev. 1 v 7 HCSB

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline.

 Hierdie dagstukkie is ook in Engels beskikbaar

How does one become truly wise and prudent? Wisdom begins by listening carefully to the Word of the LORD and then making it your own way of life.

 You can only gain this wisdom by believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By acknowledging that you have been lost because of your sin and misery and believing that you have been saved from it on the basis of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross and then starting to live from this grace of God.

 Wisdom begins with serving the Lord.


Wysheid begin met die dien van die Here.

 Spr. 1 v 7

Kennis begin met die dien van die Here; dit is net dwase wat wysheid en opvoeding gering ag.

This devotion is also available in English

Hoe word mens regtig wys en verstandig? Wysheid begin deur noukeurig te luister na die Woord van die HERE en dit dan jou eie lewenswyse te maak.

 Jy kan alleen hierdie wysheid bekom deur die Evangelie van Jesus Christus te glo. Deur te erken dat jy vanweë jou sonde en ellende verlore is en te glo dat jy daarvan verlos is op grond van Jesus Christus se offer aan die kruis en dan te begin leef vanuit hierdie genade van God.

 Wysheid begin met die dien van die Here.


The LORD hears your call for help

 Ps. 40 v 1HCSB

I waited patiently for the LORD, and He turned to me and heard my cry for help.

Hierdie dagstukkie is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar 

Psalm 40 is a prayer for salvation in a time of need. In his distress the Psalmist turned to the LORD and he remembered how the LORD had helped him in the past. This is the basis on which he also now cries out to the LORD in his distress.

 Remember what the LORD has done for you. God sent His Son to become human so that He could die for your sins on the cross. Just think about it. If He was willing to do that, then would He not help you now either? Jesus Christ is the ground on which we call on the Name of the LORD.

 Look back on your life and remember how the LORD helped you in the past. He will bend down to you and listen to your cry for help.
